Friday 17 July 2015

A 40km day

Last night's bivouac hut looked like a prefab building set amidst boulders and snow at 2,300m, but inside it was fine, with beds and a gas stove, though a trifle Spartan.  Still didn't sleep well though and started off tired; I decided not to climb the Offenhorn because the route didn't look good, so scrambled up a little nearby summit instead.  Then set off to walk 40km, mostly quite easy with less than 1,000m of ascent.  The scenery was pleasant, rather than dramatic and commanding attention, so 12 hours trudging along by myself was a trifle drab.  After nearly five weeks, I'm running out of ways to divert myself, with only 4 music albums on my phone and having listened to all the talks I recorded.  I continue to appreciate the wild flowers and beautiful butterflies though.

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