Sunday 9 August 2015

rest day number 2 and photos

with an unpromising forecast of rain and storms I've opted for a rest day in Isola, or more accurately, a day to match good forecasted weather with the peak I want to do.  In reality its stayed dry, so I hope tomorrow isn't much worse!  I've felt fit and have moved much faster over the past few days but last night I was kept awake by 2 families until 12:30 at night at the camp site and then woke up before 5am.  Not so restful!  I've plenty of time in hand so plan a short day tomorrow when the weather is predicted to be bad in the afternoon and then 2 long days with bivvies when its supposed to be good, followed by the walk out to Menton over the next 2 days.

I've mixed feelings about finishing.  I'm glad not to have a schedule and the continual physical and mental effort but I'll miss the journeying on and the rhythm of the journey.

Yesterday I got caught in a big storm at the wrong time.  I was right at the top of a notch in a rocky ridge with lightening all around.  the thunder was so loud I stuck my fingers in my ears.  The gap between lightening and thunder was less than a second.  the hail came down like a power shower had been turned on full and the sky was pitch black.  I went down after crossing another pass in the same conditions.  I didn't fancy a repeat today.

Finally I've managed to download some of my 1134 photos.  So here's some for starters:

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